If you need to have a greater understanding for issues in your food establishment such as the fact that E coli will incubate in no less than one and no more than ten days, then you need to follow RC 14001 standards. Just as 223,149 companies in 159 countries have adopted ISO 14001 certifications as of 2010, you can take things a step further with your business by becoming Rc 14001 certified. You can also couple this with your CMMI certification and other food safety certifications in order to make your establishment as safe as possible.
When you understand the RC 14001 protocols, you will already know that salmonella, which was named for Dr. Salmon over a hundred years ago, has been a major food borne threat since the beginning of the 20th century. You can also use RC 14001 standards to help prevent salmonella and other bacteria like listeriosis which primarily infects the elderly, pregnant women, infants, and those with compromised immune systems. Fortunately, you will find that proper ISO training can help the people in your establishment to combat any problem and take even stronger preventative measures.
While ISO 50001 was released in June of 2011 to deal with energy management, RC 14001 deals mainly with environmental safety. As long as you are getting both ISO and HACCP training done in your establishment, then you will have a much easier time with making your business both stronger and safer. You can bet that this will reflect well on your employees because they will have all the knowledge that they need to perform on a daily basis knowing that they are putting their best foot forward. Your customers will appreciate this sort of performance as well.
You will also find that once you have found the right training method that your employees will know how to pass on the information to new hires. While you will undoubtedly be training them as well, having knowledgeable people on board will make it easier to get everyone on their feet. This will also prove to help build stronger teams where everyone works together.
In the end, knowledgeable employees will protect your establishment from causing food related illness and marring its reputation. Instead, you can enjoy a steady path of growth that will lead your company to greatness. With this will come a lot more revenue and a happier workforce.
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