Whether you are looking for how to treat sleep apnea, sleep apnea treatment options, or quick cures for sleep apnea and snoring, you might be able to find your solution in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Here are a few facts that you should know before you start doing your research.
1. A recently conducted study which used over 80,000 participants found that more than 50 percent of patients that had veneer procedures did not need any replacement, or reinstallation of their veneers after 10 years. With such an astounding success race, the price of porcelain veneers practically pays or itself.
2. You will be hard pressed to find someone in the United States that believes that teeth are not importNt. In fact, Almost three quarters of adults feel that bad teeth can hurt the chances of a person for a successful career.
3. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the most common cause for tooth decay and loss in adults over the age of 65 in the United States.
4. Veneers are extra thin shells made specifically for the natural teeth of the patient. More often than not, they are usually made out of porcelain which do a great deal to reduce the cost of porcelain veneers. Though many people do not know this, porcelain veneers are one of the ways how to treat sleep apnea in adults.
5. Dental porcelain, or dental ceramic, is considered the most natural looking crown and tooth replacement material. This is a vast improvement over the metal fillings that were popular just a few decades ago. Find out more here.