A kitchen sanitation checklist is an important tool for many commercial kitchens to use. Using a kitchen sanitation checklist can help ensure that all the tasks that are necessary for keeping the kitchen clean and sanitary. As the tasks are completed, they can be checked off.
In 1879, the term mysophobia, or germophobia as it is more commonly known, which is a fear of germs and contamination, was coined. In order to keep the kitchen hygiene at an acceptable level, it is helpful for commercial kitchens to utilize software programs to track the items on their personal kitchen sanitation checklist. By following the basic rules of safety and sanitation in the kitchen, a restaurant can ensure that their employees are fully trained.
For a commercial establishment, many states require employees to complete a certain amount of training in food safety and sanitation. Using computer software to keep track of this training makes the entire process much smoother and more streamlined. The ideal software will keep track of the kitchen sanitation checklist and enable the admin to print out certificates.
Knowing the proper food safety facts can help reduce the instances of food poisoning such as those caused by botulism. This term derives its name from the Latin name for sausage as it is often found in meat that has not been handled properly. In many instances, it can take 24 to 48 hours for food poisonings symptoms to become apparent.
The popularity of hand sanitizer if evidenced by the fact that it is a business that enjoys more than $190 million in revenues each year. The five second rule, which dictates that no germs are on a food if it is picked up within five seconds and is false, by the way, is more likely to be implemented when the food in question is a sweet one rather than a savory one. For more, read this link: www.keepingitkleen.com