If you are thinking about a divorce, then you are going to be looking for a good divorce attorney. And you aren’t alone, many people across the world get divorces since it is legal in almost every country world wide. However, before you try to find a divorce attorney, there are a few things you might want to know about divorce and how it affects people. Not only that, but there is such a demand for them that you can have a divorce attorney for men or a divorce attorney for women, they are that specialized.
It is almost sad how many divorce lawyers in arizona you can find, as well as any other state or country, and how often they are used. Rather than looking for a good divorce attorney, why not take a look at a few interesting statistics first.
- The Philippines excluding Muslims and the Vatican City, which is an ecclesiastical state, are the only two countries that have no provisions for divorce.
- Recent studies using large national samples found that more than 85% of people that were not happily married in the 1980s but stayed with the marriage instead of divorcing, claimed that five years afterwards they were actually happier.
- A woman looses 27% of her standard of living when she marries, while a man gains a 10% increase in his standard of living when married.
- It is projected by the United States Census Bureau that 50% of marriages today are going to end in divorce.
- Children from divorced family have a much higher likelihood of becoming divorced than children that are from intact families.
If u can’t stand ur spouse, i don’t see how it is going to get any better if you wait 5 yrs….
If u can’t stand ur spouse, i don’t see how it is going to get any better if you wait 5 yrs….
If u can’t stand ur spouse, i don’t see how it is going to get any better if you wait 5 yrs….
If u can’t stand ur spouse, i don’t see how it is going to get any better if you wait 5 yrs….
If u can’t stand ur spouse, i don’t see how it is going to get any better if you wait 5 yrs….