What its Like Being a Sports Medicine Doctor – Health Talk Online

u may picture a physician who works with top athletes as well as sits at the sidelines when sports events are played. In reality, doctors who treat athletes may never be able to get on a playing field. What is the reality of sports medicine is explained in this video.

They are non-surgical musculoskeletal physicians. They can treat all of the same issues as an orthopedic surgeon, without the surgical skills. Additionally, sports medicine specialists are better at treating their patients in a holistic manner.

The age of patients ranges from young to old. Patients who are older generally suffer from arthritis and other degenerative conditions and they need to find methods to remain active. Patients who are less than 65 years old are usually faced with muscle strains and concussions.

In the clinical environment you will encounter many new patients , with various injury. Patients are seen with injury that is acute, not chronic ailments. That’s why the turnover is so high. But, arthritis is one of the chronic conditions they also be treating.

Some physicians are team doctors for high school athletes, however, they must also have clinic hours. To learn more, check out the video on the right.


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