Just about everyone loves a beautiful mature Ash tree growing in their yard. These trees are wonderful trees that you can find filling in the gaps in wooded areas all across the nation. The birds love to feed on the seeds that Ash trees produce too. You will also notice how lovely they look in an urban yard setting as well as in a forrest. Ash trees are wonderful shade trees. They do have problems with the emerald ash borer beetle though. These beetles have destroyed over 50 million ash trees here in the states as the adult ash borer will feed on Ash tree foliage. Efforts have been made to try to contain the destruction of Ash trees by this insect, however the insect does get transported from place to place on firewood or in the movement of Ash trees in nursery stock.
Ash tree disease can be devastating to the landscape. There are things that one can do in an effort to accomplish Ash borer control. Emerald Ash borer treatment is something that many people need to find out about if they want to include Ash trees in their landscape design ideas. It is possible to see how Ash trees can look in the yard by looking at landscape design pictures. You can find landscape design pictures of a fully matured yard that a landscaper has done already. You can also find the blue prints for landscape design pictures online. The best way is to see landscape design pictures of live Ash trees already growing in yards.
There are a lot of searches done online for pictures of landscape design ideas. If you can look at pictures online of other landscaped yards it can give you ideas on how to do your own. If you are not going to hire a professional landscaper it is a good idea to look at as many landscape design pictures as you can. You can also use landscape software to mix and match ideas on how you want your landscaping. It will even help to take a drive around the neighborhood and see of your other neighbors have some great landscape designs. While you are out and about, look for Ash trees too. You will love the way Ash trees are incorporated into landscape design ideas. If you are not sure of where to put an Ash tree in your yard, be sure you get advice from your landscape artist today. Find out more about this topic here: www.kinnucan.com
Gee, I didn’t know that 50 million ash trees have been destroyed by that Emerald borer. So far so good for my Ash tree though. Keeping fingers crossed.
Ash trees really are some of the best shade trees to plant. They grow fast and they look beautiful in a yard.
Ash trees really are some of the best shade trees to plant. They grow fast and they look beautiful in a yard.
Ash trees really are some of the best shade trees to plant. They grow fast and they look beautiful in a yard.
Ash trees really are some of the best shade trees to plant. They grow fast and they look beautiful in a yard.
Ash trees really are some of the best shade trees to plant. They grow fast and they look beautiful in a yard.