Veterans lawyers and social security lawyers perform a public service. One in five Floridians receive Social Security, totaling 51.3 billion USD in 2011, according to the AARP. While only 300,000 elderly Floridians are below the poverty line today, nearly one million more could join their ranks if Social Security was cut off.
Today, veterans lawyers and Social security attorneys are mobilizing for a battle. You see, Congress has ignored that the elderly get hospitalized three times as often as everyone else, and pay 4,605 USD each time. Congress has ignored their own Congressional Budget Office study that shows a rise of disability collectors over 45 from 67 percent to 76 percent in 2009. Instead, there are rumblings of diluting or even scrapping Social Security.
The elderly cannot tolerate this, and neither can veterans lawyers and Social security disability attorneys. If you are an elderly Floridian, or anyone else interested in the future of social security, contact veterans lawyers or Social Security disability lawyers to get involved. Many have political action committees mobilized. All Social Security and veterans lawyers encourage you to write your congressmen. Everyone must work together to save this system that guarantees the American dream. More info like this: