Heading to a popular fast food chain and grabbing a burger and fries is popular for people with busy schedules who are in a hurry and need a quick meal. However, they do not offer the natural, local choices. Despite the fact that most of those locations advertise salads and other meals that are supposed to be more natural and healthy than traditional options, the reality is that very few items actually are. But by heading to Lento restaurant Rochester residents who want to avoid highly processed commercial foods will be able to get natural, healthier meals in an intimate atmosphere. While eating at Lento might take longer than hitting the Burger King drive through, the time spent is well worth it.
Chef and owner Arthur Rogers works hard to provide customers with a completely local experience, making Lento one of the top Rochester restaurants. While common perceptions away from the state of New York mean that people only think of the big city, the reality is that the Upstate and Finger Lakes regions have lots of farms and local growers. Over time, Rogers has worked to develop relationships with local farmers who share his vision of providing customers with tasty, natural dishes.
One of the difficulties with providing fresh, local foods, is that it can be hard to maintain the same menu items consistently. But rather than letting that be a detriment, Lento uses it as an opportunity. The menu changes every day, meaning that, even if someone has been there several times, they are likely to find something new on every visit. On some days, guests might find little neck clams as an appetizer and Nova Scotia halibut as an entree, and on others, oysters and a juicy steak. The constantly evolving menu means that, by visiting Lento restaurant Rochester residents will be able to treat themselves to a wide range of flavors and meals.
Although delicious dinners might be the main reason why people go out for dinner, the best Rochester restaurants will also offer lots of great drink options. This is especially true at Lento, which features an extensive wine list and lots of unique cocktails. Even the drink list includes liquors and wines that are produced in New York to enhance the local feel of the restaurant. So anybody who wants a complete Upstate New York food experience should head to Lento for a great meal.